5 Of My Best LinkedIn Posts To Inspire Copywriters and AI Lovers
It’s a grab bag. You don’t know what you’ll get but everybody’s a winner!
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Wish you were an artist or poet? AI is democratizing creativity.
Now you can write fine poetry with some help from your favorite genius sidekick.
Kahlil Gabran wrote “The Prophet” a lovely piece of writing. I always wanted to write like him but it takes time, until now. And it’s freaking lovely, imho. Technomagi in training…here’s a good one for you.
I wrote a pretty solid LinkedIn piece, then I technomagically transmogrified it with this ChatGPT prompt: “Can you please rewrite this as Kahlil Gabran?”
You are the mystic behind the machine,
The genius that grants the lamp its sheen.
ChatGPT and its ilk are but empty vessels,
That come alive by the spark of your presence.
These algorithms are word reactors precocious,
But devoid of purpose without your focus.
You give them vision, imagination, a goal,
Else they ramble aimlessly out of control.
Electricity, computers, the cyberwebs vast,
Are canvas for your creativity to cast.
The tools change, but art within you persists,
Yours is the power AI exists to assist.
So fear not its advance, fret not what’s replaced,
Embrace it as a boon, not as threat to be faced.
See it as a paintbrush under your command,
Wielded by your hand, directed by your grand design.
Be then the wizard, show it the way,
Be then the artist, manifest your day.
The magic dwells in you, make your vision emerge,
AI is but the lamp, yours is the genie’s charge.
Not bad. It’s worth hanging on the wall…
#technomage #ai #aiart #aicontentcreation
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Unleash ChatGPT: Your Secret Weapon for High-Converting Copy
Turn ChatGPT 4 into your personal Copy Chief
and get critiqued by the best in the biz…for FREE!
Copy Chiefs give invaluable feedback,
They mentor junior copywriters and help them get better fast.
But they’re extremely expensive and you can’t book them.
Especially if they’re dead.
David Ogilvy (1911–1999) is the father of modern advertising, and Chat’s read all his work.
Let’s tell Chat to pretend it’s David, what you want it to do and what your goal is.
Prompt: Pretend you are David Ogilvy. Please analyze and critique the following copy. Tell me how I can use it to increase [Specific result desired]:[Paste your copy here]
Your specific goal might be:
Increase top/middle/bottom of funnel conversions
Get newsletter signups
Sell coaching sessions
Chat will act as David Ogilvy, critique your post and give you feedback on your:
clarity and consistency,
audience understanding,
call to action,
selling the benefit and
use of quotes.
Now incorporate its feedback rewrite your copy(don’t cheat if you want to grow) and continue your prompt chain.
Prompt: Okay let’s try that again. Here’s my rewritten copy:[Copy]
Much better, right?
Bonus tip: Have it role play other famous world class copywriters like Gary Bencivanga, Gary Halbert, John Caples, Joe Sugarman or Claude Hopkins.
Need a personal AI coach to help you engineer prompt chains that crank out high powered content faster?
You can comb through 100+ hours of videos and articles, or hire me as a private tutor.
I’ll teach you how to harness the awesome power of AI to
cut your writing time by 72% and
make it punch like a Mike Tyson.
DM me for details.
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Considering sending somebody a DM or shooting them a cold email?
“Before asking something of someone, help them first.”
Ben Settle, email wiz.
First, good manners build relationships that last. They build trust and trust helps you sell.
Secondly, you invoke the Law of Reciprocity, a deep primal urge to give to those who give to you.
I wish more sales people on LinkedIn would start relationships this way.
That way their pitches would look a lot like less like spam.
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Here’s how to get better results than 99% of Chat users.
Chat is your genius, bookworm intern…who hallucinates.
It needs:
Your wisdom — It’s smart, but like a hermit it doesn’t understand the real world.
Your guidance — Fill out those custom instructions. They are a game changer.
(Frankly, they’re freaking me out.) I’ll share mine below.
Your life experience — Chat has never worked a day in its life or interacted with the real world. You have. Use it to give better context
Your unique perspective — Nobody else thinks like you or has your personality. Use that to your advantage.
Your feedback — It’s a great at taking advice.
The best part? It’s never defensive and there no drama!
It just jumps right on the problem and fixes the problem.
Your insightful questions — Use your interviewing skills to guide it.
If you can’t think of any insightful questions tell it: “Please provide me 10 insightful questions about ______. Explain your reasoning. ” Then tell it which one to answer.
Anything else you want to add?
I’m Donovan, the AI Jockey.
I’ll show you how to ride ChatGPT to win.
DM me if you’re a busy CEO, CMO, content strategist or founder who needs help with content creation.
Ring my bell 🔔
Follow me for daily copywriting & ChatGPT tips.
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The Secret Weapon Copywriting Superstars To Write High Converting Sales Pages
All the top pros use them. Now you can too.
When I found out copywriting legends like Gary Bencivanga, Kim Krause Schwalme, Eddie Schleyner, and Gary Halbert consider them an essential weapon in their writing arsenal I had to know more. What are they?
Fascinations. They’re a special type of bullet point. They tease readers, intriguing them, and piquing their curiosity so they dive deeper into long form content. How?
With surprising, but true, statements that often pack an emotional wallop.
Here’s some examples I’ve written for an AI book I’m working on to help copywriter’s write better:
• Craft “smart bombs” that explode in your customer’s mind and set off a chain of sales.
• Read anything, even PhD level research, so easily it’s like reading a grade school primer.
• 95% of social media posts shortcut this step. I don’t…now that I wrote my best performing post ever. I’ll break it down so you can do it too, even if you aren’t a pro copywriter.
Here are some more examples from Gary Bencivanga:
• Controversy! Gunfire Erupts Over “9 Most Important Words in Marketing History”
• The Secret “Trigger Word” That Makes More of Your Prospects Say Yes Than Any Other Word in the English Language
• The Most Persuasive Tool in Advertising and How to Use It
The fastest way to learn to write them?
Find a great sales page by one of the masters, and copy work them. That’s right.
Hand copy them, twice. I’ve done 200+ and will definitely do more.
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