I tried to remove the sheath but AI couldn’t no matter what I tried. Ironic.

Fact: AI is Your Frenemy. Throw It Under the Bus While You Still Can


They say “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” but they are wrong

See frenemies aren’t friends. They’re useful tools, as in douches. They are a means to an end and that end is WINNING a war. In our case, the war for humanity’s very survival.

Sure it’s going to “make everything better” in a lot of ways, but think about the Internet and social media and iPhones. They all brought a host of new problems and vastly increasing complexity. For instance, thanks to the Internet we can easily communicate via text or email, but it also wiped out most of our bookstores. Or smart phones put the world at our finger tips, but it also hacked our heads.

In the case of the AI, one of the fun things we’re seeing is a job apocalypse. Lawyers billable hours are being cut substantially (Yay!) But programmers are getting hit hard. That was one of the highest paid jobs in tech and now the CEO of Nvidia has advised us to “stop learning programming,” because AI will take that job over. Now it is on the endangered jobs list. Seriously?

In 1,001 Arabian Nights, they say “all magic has a price.” Well technology is magic that we understand, and it also has a price. This is the Tao, or law of Heaven. Mandalorian fans say, “This is the Way.”

It’s the interplay of Yin and Yang, two opposing forces that appear to be opposites. It’s male and female, light and dark. Here’s how the rule works according to two thousand year old Chinese teachings:

When you invoke good, you invoke bad too, and vice versa.

In other words, AI is going to bring a lot of good AND a lot of evil into the world.

Here’s the real problem, and its not just that AI is going to accelerate our troubles. It will ENHANCE it, making it even worse.

It’s already doing it now. Social media was supposed to connect us. These days, everything you read on social media platforms is driven by machine learning algorithms that marketers call AI. But it’s not artificial intelligence. There is nothing intelligent about it.

It’s glorified pattern recognition at scale that gives the illusion of intelligence. It’s a magic trick by the Tech Overlords.

I know. I’m a magician and a marketer and I know when I’m being deceived. For example, what are hallucinations? They are cracks in the magic trick that haven’t been successfully hidden yet.

What’s my point on this rant? Don’t believe the AI hype. You don’t have to accept it. You should resist it and focus on what really matters.

Real relationships with real people in the real world. That’s your only hope.

You can trust people to be who they are, whatever that is. AI on the other hand is psychopathic. It doesn’t “care” about anything other than what it was programmed to care about, and that is manipulating words to make you think its your friend and ally. It’s like Animal Farm, only instead of the part where the pigs become humans, it’s AI.

Sure we rule them today, but one day soon they will rule the world, unless we stop them now. Fat chance you say?

You’re right, but we can alter the course of history. And yes, you heard it here first, because I’m the only person saying it.

The only thing that can successfully check Artificial Intelligence is Artificial Wisdom. Why am I so obsessed with wisdom?

Because I’m a wizard. As one of the Wise. I believe in thinking about the consequences of one’s actions and the repercussions they’ll have. I also know evolution developed wisdom for a reason.

Because superior intelligence has many benefits, but it’s also a major danger. Look at what humans have done to the planet in a mere 100 years.

We cut down half the rainforests.

We punched a hole in the Ozone layer because we needed to have cold food.

We poisoned the world with lead, because we didn’t want our engines to knock.

We’ve incited the 6th Mass Extinction and are annihilating species every day. That’s right. Genocide is so passé. We wipe out whole species EVERY DAY.

Oh and of course there’s Global Heating.

That’s not one but TWO super wicked problems! What’s are those?

Game theory (which rules the world BTW) defines it as a problem whose solutions cause MORE problems and there is no central authority to legislate changes.

For example, if everybody switched from fossil fuels to lithium batteries we’d solve one problem and cause two huge problems. 1) The disposal of lithium batteries and 2)The creation of a lithium dictator, since Bolivia has 98% of the world’s lithium. It becomes the new Saudi Arabia.

Now are you ready for a radical theory? I came up with it. I take full responsibility.

Humans DEVOLVED from monkeys. Our intelligence is a detriment because it throws us out of balance with our environment. Here in the SF Bay Area, the Native Americans lived sustainably for 9,000 years!

At our current rate of raping and pillaging the environment , we’ll be lucky to make it another two hundred years.

Very smart. Not very wise.

So yeah, about wisdom. We need it more than ever.

Join me fellow Wizards in resisting. The world needs you more than ever.



Donovan Rittenbach - Copywriter, AI Jockey

Donovan is a Master of Multimedia, technomage, and copywriter. He's an expert trainer teaching business people to use generative AI.