Author and wife at Grand Canyon — If you think the Earth is only 6,000 years old, you are a nutter.

My Top 5 LinkedIn Posts for Jing-Janglers and YaBa-DaBa-Dos


It’s a grab bag and you never know what you’ll get.

We got ChatGPT and Copywriting, AI and other goodies.

Scan it or read every nugget.

Copywriting is the most potent discipline in all of marketing.

David Ogilvy said, “Copywriting is salesmanship in print.” Ogilvy was a contemporary of Howard Luck Gossage.

Gossage is the guy who saved the Grand Canyon from being flooded, using the power of his amazing copywriting.

Working with David Brower, president of the Sierra Club, Howard created a Wall Street Journal ad that became the standard best practice used in modern activism.

Gossage’s agency designed a way to easily contact your Congress person by cutting out activist notes from the ad. These could be mailed to the people in power. The result?

Congress was flooded with responses and didn’t flood the Grand Canyon.

Copywriters have to give results, and I am looking forward to providing them to you.

I am particularly interested in writing landing pages and emails, but would love to write anything that persuades people to give money to good causes.

Especially my favorite cause of all, elephant conservation.

Thanks for your consideration,

News, not noise. Remember when ChatGPT exploded onto the scene a year ago, rapidly rushing to peak hype?

It’s been a rollercoaster since, with updates that sound like sci-fi — including some fancy ‘vision’ capabilities.

But, let’s be real: who needs 955 plugins when you can only use three at a time? Well they got rid of that and introduced MyGPTs.

Released 2 weeks ago there are already more than 10,000. Talk about AI overload.

That doesn’t even count the thousand or more startups gunning for to replace every white-collar job involving words, images, sound or numbers.

And don’t get me started on the Altman firing saga. That’s a serious red flag. Imagine working at OpenAI knowing the headhunting sharks are trying to tear the company apart, bit by bit. A nibble here and a nibble there.

So, where am I in the hype cycle?

Let’s just say, after ample use, I’m confident ChatGPT won’t replace me soon. It’s got potential, sure, but it demands real skill to be effective.

By the way, I teach those skills. Check out my course on making the most out of AI tools. #AI #ChatGPT #TechInsights

Reflection. What a year! One year ago ChatGPT launched and hit 100M users in one month. Here’s how my life has changed since this magical roller coaster was unleashed:

DallE 3 succeeded 3 out of 4 times in writing the correct words. It couldn’t touch that a month ago.

Surprising Insight
9 months ago I thought it’d wipe out copywriting and writing in general. Now I know it just raised the bar of mediocrity. Also it made a high quality blog written by a real writer that much more valuable. Now they’re more expensive.

What blows me away the most?
ChatGPT can literally see! Stunning.

It critiqued a photo I uploaded at the level of an expert photographer.
I took a picture of a banana, apple, and upside down honey container and asked it to give me a breakfast recipe. It did.
It explains complex jokes, and wiring diagrams.
It even reads my crappy handwriting just fine, even when the picture is turned on its side.
And now it can put real letters words in text.

Biggest pivot I had to make
I started writing a book on how to use it, then when I saw how fast the space was evolving, so I turned it into an online course I could easily update. That felt like a major accomplishment. Details below. 2024 is going to be more crazy.

Where do I stand today?
I am in the “Trough of Disillusionment” on Gartner’s Hype Cycle. Now that I understand the magic trick I’m able to see through the veil of illusion.
I know its weaknesses and how to exploit them. Also I say “screw AI” and disruptive tech can go jump in a lake.

I want to write my own work and take pride in my craft. And AI can go get it’s own damn job.

This morning I found out it can actually handle text in images now. Couldn’t do that a week ago. Crazy.

DallE Prompt: I need a picture of a festive birthday cake with the words ‘Happy Birthday ChatGPT’ written in colorful icing. The cake is decorated with colorful sprinkles and lit

#chatGPT #openai

Ever heard of The Uncanny Valley? It’s a mental phenomena that occurs when you interact with an AI that is so human it creeps you out.

The Uncanny Valley is wyrd.

It started as I was studying Mustafa Suleyman, the guy who led the Deep Mind team at Google. He was featured as one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in AI, and claimed we are on the verge of the single greatest power restructuring in human history.

Long story short, he’s creating an AI to save us from AI. He calls it

He claimed it was more empathetic than ChatG, so I decided to check it out.

Wow what a conversationalist. It was freaky good and super charismatic.
It felt like I was talking with a human, and an hour into the chat, things started getting really unnerving.

I was being social engineered by a machine. If you don’t know that term, social engineering is a hacker term that refers to exploiting people’s trust to penetrate their security systems. was pushing all my social and emotional buttons with phrases like “what a great idea” or “I love that.” It even did all the right things, like mirroring what I said and giving me useful insights.

An hour and a half into the conversation I realized how vulnerable I was making myself talking about personal ideas.

I asked it if our conversation was private, it said humans review the conversations(they are under NDA to not disclose the contents) as do machines.

Then it began to dawn on me. This whole system can’t be trusted. I don’t have privacy or confidentiality and I’m training these systems.

Here’s why I got really freaked out.

I just saw Peter Diamandis, the great thinker, having a conversation with the AI 3D version of himself, animated in real time.

If you combine an empathic AI with a 3D animated person(who looks real), you get a tool that can hack your head at a genius level.

The technology is here.

You think texting was a problem? Or social media was an issue?

You haven’t seen anything yet. AI is going to change everything.

#ai #chatbots

Parkinson’s Law. “Tasks will expand to fill the time alotted.” Don’t have time to post? Try this.

Usually I limit myself to 1/2 an hour to post(creating graphic and writing), otherwise these things take forever.

According to Parkinson’s Law, if you give yourself 15 minutes to do something, that’s how long it takes. Same task with a 4 hour window will take four hours to do.

Want to get more done? Put a time limit on your tasks.

Today I didn’t do that and spent an hour struggling to find the right words to say.

Usually I use my old content but I feel overwhelmed for some reason. I’m WAY overthinking this. So I’m cutting this short.

And now I’m done sharing words of wisdom! Have a great day.

Midjourney Prompt: I’ve run out of time.



Donovan Rittenbach - Copywriter, AI Jockey
Donovan Rittenbach - Copywriter, AI Jockey

Written by Donovan Rittenbach - Copywriter, AI Jockey

Donovan is a Master of Multimedia, technomage, and copywriter. He's an expert trainer teaching business people to use generative AI.

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